A Mixed Experience at Point Fortin Hospital: An Overview;
August 15th 2024

My recent visit to the Point Fortin Hospital left me with mixed feelings. While the staff service was exceptional, the overall process and services provided left much to be desired. I went to the hospital believing that I had paronychia (an infection around the nail) caused by a torn cuticle, and I was confident that a simple surgical procedure to remove the fluid within would resolve the issue. However, despite my expectations, the outcome proved to be more complicated. Here’s a breakdown of my experience:

  • Parking Access: Very poor to terrible. There was no prepared parking for persons attending the Accident and Emergency (A&E) department. The area being used for parking is a muddy strip which runs along the hospital fence, which is far from ideal.
  • Facility Condition: Fair to good. The facility has seen some deterioration since my last visit two years ago, but it is still generally in decent condition.
  • Staff Service: Excellent. I encountered friendly and attentive staff throughout my visit. Despite the system’s shortcomings, their professionalism and kindness were commendable.
  • Process: Poor. The wait times were excruciatingly long despite there being no significant patient crowd. Whether this was due to staff shortages or other factors is unclear, but it certainly impacted the efficiency of my visit.
  • Services Provided: Failed. It’s perplexing that a relatively simple procedure, such as treating a torn cuticle, could not be performed. I was informed that a surgical doctor was on duty, yet I was referred to another hospital for follow-up.

Detailed Breakdown of My Visit

I arrived at the Point Fortin Hospital at approximately 7 PM. As I stepped inside, I was greeted warmly by a staff member I knew personally, who gave me a hug and guided me to the registration area. This friendly encounter was a pleasant start to my evening at the hospital.

I was immediately processed by Nurse Mary Williams (if I caught the name correctly). She was incredibly kind and efficient, taking my blood pressure, checking my sugar levels, and collecting a urine sample. Once these preliminary checks were completed, I was sent to the registration area, where a pleasant staff member completed the necessary paperwork. By 8:10 PM, I had finished registration and felt optimistic as things were progressing smoothly.

However, I went to the hospital believing that I had paronychia, an infection around the nail, and I believed that a simple surgical procedure would solve the problem and relieve the pain I was experiencing from my swollen, infected cuticle. Unfortunately, this was not the case.

I waited until 10:30 PM before being called in by the doctor, a young and pleasant Afro-Trini woman. After explaining the situation with my torn cuticle, I requested that the fluid be drained since it was causing me significant pain. She inserted an IV access into my right hand, drew blood samples, and sent me for an X-ray.

Despite being the only person waiting at that time, I endured a delay for the X-ray. I suspect that the clerk or radiographer may have been on break or perhaps there was an internal meeting. Nevertheless, both the clerk and the radiographer were courteous and professional when they finally attended to me.

Following the X-ray, I waited for over an hour before a nurse approached me with oral medication and antibiotics to be administered through the IV access. After a 20-minute wait, I was reviewed again by the same doctor. She explained that Point Fortin Hospital lacked a plastic surgeon and provided me with a referral letter to take to the San Fernando Hospital for further treatment. Additionally, I was given the X-ray film and a prescription for antibiotics.

Before I left, another nurse (who seemed to be an assistant) removed my IV access. She was very apologetic when she accidentally squeezed my swollen thumb, which, although painful, was understandable given the circumstances. I left the hospital at approximately 1:00am.

In conclusion, while the staff at Point Fortin Hospital excelled in terms of friendliness and service, the overall inefficiencies and lack of basic surgical capabilities were disappointing. I left the hospital still in pain and with a need for further treatment elsewhere, highlighting the gaps in the services available locally.

My final thoughts: Staff can make or break an experience, and in this case, they saved what could have been a much more frustrating visit. But the hospital’s processes and service limitations seriously need to be addressed.

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